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Karly Prichard Posted by: Karly Prichard 3 years ago

As the new Executive Director for 2nd Mile Missions, I (Mason) wanted to challenge our team to intentionally focus on the word ‘TOGETHER’.  At our staff retreat in July of 2021, I provided the staff with a short devotional based on a sermon I had heard recently from a guest pastor named Jeremiah Johnson.  Jeremiah shared a message about five acts that disciples who want to make disciples do TOGETHER.  As a former educator, I did what teachers do best and I stole Jeremiah’s material (with his permission of course) and I made it into something that would fit our organization.  

From of Jeremiah’s sermon, I created the “5 Acts of Togetherness” for 2nd Mile Missions and challenged our staff to be intentional about living out these five acts for the next year:

  1. Wait and Act TOGETHER
  2. Care for others TOGETHER
  3. Meet publicly and privately TOGETHER
  4. Pray TOGETHER
  5. Solve problems TOGETHER 

Helen Keller was quoted as saying, “Alone we can do so little, but together we can do so much.”  The 2nd Mile Way has always been to go the 2nd Mile TOGETHER.  We aren’t meant to journey alone. TOGETHER we can live out our mission to “spread the love of Christ by disrupting the cycle of poverty in the communities we serve.”  

TOGETHER we can make a difference!

You can support our work in the Dominican Republic. We recently launched Mile Markers, which is our new monthly recurring donation program. If you join the Mile Markers you get a ‘Together’ bracelet  made by the artisans at Vida Plena. Will you become a Mile Marker today?

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