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Posted by: Nancy Wildman 6 years ago

2018 for our family was a year of transition – four months spent finishing language school in Costa Rica and then the last 8 months adjusting to the Dominican Republic.  As I reflect 2018 I’ve learned to trust God more and find him more faithful than imagined – or better said the other way around  – God has been true to his character of being faithful and trustworthy though I did a lot of wavering.

For much of 2018 I found myself waking up many mornings on the struggle bus thinking; “This is crazy! Why are we here? It doesn’t make sense to have left so much good when it’s so hard here and I am lonely.” While I woke up and thought these things I found myself worn out trying to be a rock for our kids who freely voiced those things while they wrestled with their own transitions.  While God showed himself faithful and trustworthy in countless ways such as the support of beloved friends, countless provisions and protections; I felt like I was in a tug of war with a lot of negative thinking. But after several months here – it hit me – our lives here don’t make any sense unless looked at from the right perspective.  We are living and loving here in the Dominican Republic on the tightrope of faith; while always tempted to look this way or that or at my own feet and ability, I’m learning to keep my focus fixed on the author of life.  “Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things, For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God” – Colossians 3:2.

I’m craving more for 2019, I’m praying for the freedom that comes from daily realigning my faith and the confidence that comes from focusing on the God of the Impossible. 2019 is full of plans for our family and ministry that seem to be impossible unless we are focusing on the God of the Impossible.

Let me share with you a few verses that have and will remind me that we serve the God of the Impossible.  Join me this year in daily recognition of His power, goodness, grace, creativity, joy, peace, and limitlessness.

Luke 1:37 – For with God nothing shall be impossible. – KJV

Gen 18:14 – Is anything to hard for the Lord? – NIV 

Jeremiah 32:17 Ah Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you. – NIV

Matthew 19: 26 With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

~Written by Erin Porter

Erin is the wife of Josh Porter and mother to 3 adorable and very busy children. Their family has been given the task of providing dignified employment to women in the Dominican Republic.  Besides working alongside Josh in their ministry, Erin home-schools her children, leads Bible studies with local women and hosts visitors to 2nd Mile Missions.   They have been on staff with 2nd Mile Missions for almost 2 years.

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